Jet Candy

Jet Candy is a homeopathic jet lag remedy aimed at busy executives and regular trans-Atlantic travellers. With a strong marketing and P&R background the client had definite ideas about the direction that she didn’t want the brand to take. Our mission was to find the right path. There were inevitably false starts as we learned on the job, but in the end a simple plane icon won through, backed up with a no nonsense logotype and some suitably rough-hewn supporting text.


  • >  Branding
  • >  Packaging
  • >  Website


Whilst the sky blue palette wasn’t exactly a challenge to pick, we backed it up with images evocative of jet travel.

Jet-Candy Packaging


A simple yet effective one-page paralax website as put together alongside the product launch to show off the product and provide testimonials and news.

View Website

In a very short space of time I enjoyed seeing brand design, packaging, website and collateral all sitting in perfect harmony, for a confident launch. Jet-Candy was launched into the digital space with quick, efficient and understanding support by Alex Chilton Design. We are already back working on other projects together.


